2. My Trendwest Experience 1 - Phone Call
Okay, some of you are wondering about my experience with Trendwest. I shall attempt to recount what happened...
Phone Marketing
Initially, Trendwest contacted us by phone. I presume that they just have massive databases of people that they call, or maybe they use the phone book. All I know is that when I have mentioned this experience to other people, they also stated that they've received calls from Trendwest!
During the Trendwest presentation (detailed below), our presenter stated that Trendwest used to do television advertising but this proved too expensive. That's why they offer incentives to attend the information sessions. I'll comment later on the massive marketing effort (and cost!) that this must involve.
During the phone call, questions were asked of income, age and whether single or with partner. I normally feel compassion for these people working in telephone call centres and tend not to hang-up on them immediately. Okay, it's "leading them on" a little bit, but I like to instill some confidence in them before I say "no thank you". They're doing the best they can in their job -- it's not fair that people abuse them just because they didn't want to be disturbed or don' t believe in the product.
In fact, a friend of mine uses Caller ID at home simply to stop the telemarketing. It's a shame that we're now victims or marketing in our own home!
Okay, back to the call...
As an incentive to attend a free Trendwest information session, we were offered a 2-day holiday somewhere in Australia. There were lots of rules and sub-clauses attached, such as a $19.95 administration fee (or similar), having to choose from specific destinations and date ranges.
For some strange reason I thought it would be a bit of fun, so I accepted the invitation. We were then given details of where to attend and were offered an additional incentive of going into a draw for $500 if we arrived 15 minutes early. (Very clever -- not only an incentive to attend, but to get there early and keep their system working smoothly!)
This was accompanied by a follow-up letter with all the details and information on the incentives. It appears that instead of the holiday we could take a DVD player, CD Walkman or Stereo system. Apparently most people are attracted by the holiday on offer.
Want to know what happened on the night? Read the second part to this story to find out!
-- Fabbo
Tags: trendwest worldmark
Phone Marketing
Initially, Trendwest contacted us by phone. I presume that they just have massive databases of people that they call, or maybe they use the phone book. All I know is that when I have mentioned this experience to other people, they also stated that they've received calls from Trendwest!
During the Trendwest presentation (detailed below), our presenter stated that Trendwest used to do television advertising but this proved too expensive. That's why they offer incentives to attend the information sessions. I'll comment later on the massive marketing effort (and cost!) that this must involve.
During the phone call, questions were asked of income, age and whether single or with partner. I normally feel compassion for these people working in telephone call centres and tend not to hang-up on them immediately. Okay, it's "leading them on" a little bit, but I like to instill some confidence in them before I say "no thank you". They're doing the best they can in their job -- it's not fair that people abuse them just because they didn't want to be disturbed or don' t believe in the product.
In fact, a friend of mine uses Caller ID at home simply to stop the telemarketing. It's a shame that we're now victims or marketing in our own home!
Okay, back to the call...
As an incentive to attend a free Trendwest information session, we were offered a 2-day holiday somewhere in Australia. There were lots of rules and sub-clauses attached, such as a $19.95 administration fee (or similar), having to choose from specific destinations and date ranges.
For some strange reason I thought it would be a bit of fun, so I accepted the invitation. We were then given details of where to attend and were offered an additional incentive of going into a draw for $500 if we arrived 15 minutes early. (Very clever -- not only an incentive to attend, but to get there early and keep their system working smoothly!)
This was accompanied by a follow-up letter with all the details and information on the incentives. It appears that instead of the holiday we could take a DVD player, CD Walkman or Stereo system. Apparently most people are attracted by the holiday on offer.
Want to know what happened on the night? Read the second part to this story to find out!
-- Fabbo
Tags: trendwest worldmark
OK guys, Now its my turn..Firstly, I am glad that I found this website which prevented me from those vultures. Now read this. I received a phone call from Worldmark (Timeshare, Trendwest) saying that I won a trip to Vegas/Orlando and I just have to come for a presentation. I was ensured that I will get a flight ticket (for 2) and 3 days, 2 nights hotel stay. I am very happy as we recently planned to go there but could not. One of my friends told me that they had a bad experience and have to come back as they went there 15 min late. Then I read all the reviews here in THIS website and got complete idea, BUT still I thought I would give a try. I went there 30 min before..The room was good, colorful with pretty girls ( someone here referred them as pros and I think they are right). I said I am here to receive my 'free gift'. they asked me to sign a per saying that its my gift, however, I just have to attend a presentation. I saw several people there 9atleast 20)..I got a doubt that why so many people were selected for gifts thru a draw!!!I was greeted by a sales guy and went inside (Its in Broomfield, CO) and then my headache started. he started telling about all the goodness it is associated with and why I should consider it with an 'OPEN MIND'. I was reluctant and was not in a mood to answer all his Stupid questions. (BTW there was huge noise with all rock music and all other sales guys/gays/pros were jumping, shouting with balloons etc). When he observed my silence he was very angry (believe me his face turned red) and told me that I am wasting his time..How funny...I went there all the way from N Colorado wasting MY time and this guy told me the other way! Then we were taken to a presentation for 15 min followed by some asshole's intro. Then there were 2 more gifts, one for shouting and jumping among all the viewrs and other for having maximum total numbers in a credit card.. Then after the presentation, we were again accompanied by the same guy and then he stared talking again and again 9some one in these reviews even mentioned that they can write upside down) and they are right. .He started taking out all his books and other info one by one and told how well it fits my budget.. I am a student and I earn almost nothing and the worldmark deal is $616 per month and they still tell me that I can afford it!!! How FUNNY.. Then I decided to go even without my gift (I have been asking him whether its real or just a prank) and he was really angry, shouting at me why I am not OPENMINDED! He said I am a liar, and I do not have dreams!!! It seems I should sign up for a villa in Hawai..I was annoyed and my blood pressure increased so much that I just blasted him (Believe me, everyone was looking at us). ONLY THEN he calmed down..He called the sales manager and that FAT bastard is the biggest jerk I have ever seen..He was like a drug addicted pig and started telling the same thing and asking me to sign (It was almost like having me to sign on a paper forcibly). I just said a big NO and started walking off. he then stood on my way and asked me to sign on the paper, the rudest day I have ever had! I just walked down...Not over yet. then a beautiful lady came to me and said I can have a lower deal also. But I said NO gain (I think I told NO for at least 50 times)..I just walked off to the entrance of their office. Then someone kept a file in my hand. I opened and checked it (although its just stupidity, out of a hope I looked in it). Now the rules and regulations of the crappy gift..You need to pay $ 50 per person and then fill out a form and send to the address given without a time period. (50 dollars is refundable..is it?!). Then they will (hopefully) send you a reservation package.. There are several harsh regulations..No trip during weekends, holidays.. Only on Mon, Tues, wed in between 3-10pm, Then come back by the day after at 7 AM. How funny..I also read in one of the reviews that the worldmark resorts are very bad and the agents ther will make hell of your life.. So Guys,,Becareful of these dragons.. they are very very bad…NEVER LIFT A PHONE WHEN WORLDMARK calls!! That’s the best thing you can do.. All the best..Now..I am planning to go to Vegas on my own during Christmas! I just trashed their offer! God bless you all..
Anonymous, at Friday, 14 September, 2007
WorldMark generally does not do their own advertising through marketing calls. The people calling you are independent marketing firms who are based around the United States in small towns and low-income areas because there are not many jobs for people around those areas usually, and it allows the marketers to survive while offering fair wages to people who would otherwise not have jobs.
As far as the presentation goes, my experience wasn't like that. I am an owner with the Club myself and I am very satisfied. You may have gotten a bad apple out of the bunch, but my salesperson (Aida in Boise, ID) was very polite and helpful when answering my questions.
It sounds to me like you are a confused, puffed-up little asshole who likes to bitch about people who are trying to make a living.
I don't imagine the company you work for trades on the NYSE, and I am certain you are a low-paid wage slave who could never afford to join the club anyhow.
Thank god I don't have to see you at the resort when I travel this year. Enjoy your 3-day trip in your shitty camper-shell, that is all you'll ever get.
Anonymous, at Saturday, 06 September, 2008
it seems to me that worldmark needs to police there telemarketing contractors a little (ok alot) more closely if they are in fact not trying to use the high pressure try and make them sign the contract even if they tell you that its not possible to afford now methods that i after just the phone call, telling me that i had entered a drawing for $75,000 and had been selected for the second and final grand prize drawing (first outright lie) and that i had "won" a 3 day 2 night package for either vegas or disneyland including free airfare, hotel, and amusement park tickets (come to find out thats another lie as the tickets will cost $50 per person up front) so i tell her (the telemarketer) i only live about 45 minutes from disneyland just send me the tickets for the park forget the airfare and the hotel. then she says i need verify your info. and asks if my annual income is more than #40,000 a year when i tell her not at this time she tells me to just say it is when i go to pick up my tickets (no mention of sitting through a sales pitch) so i say ok then she asks are you married or single and since im still married but separated i tell her neither she says just tell them your single and own your own business theyll never check that anyway (ok now im being coached at what lies to tell I DONT LIKE TO LIE!!) but i tell her ok any way and she rattles off about 6 different time slots that "she" has available for me to come to a fairly local location and pick up my tickets (still no mention of any sales presentation so i set it up for about a week from now after hanging up i start to wonder and cant remember entering any drawings so i google the company name she gave me "Worldmark" and after looking @ one of their pages i stumble on this page ( there may really be a god after all ) i may have become irate when i arrived at worldmark and wasnt just handed my prize winnings and sent on my way since the telemarketer (Im positive it was unsolicited and we're on the dont call list btw) never once mentioned that this was just a come on to get any one over 25 and willing to lie about there income into their "used car" showroom for a pressure test i want to thank those that shared their experiences with world mark for giving me an idea about whats really going on there i think i'll take the kids to disneyland on my own and one final comment for the previous poster it seems that you know way too much about how and who worldmark uses to do there marketing to be just an average ordinary member your post gives the impression of an employee of the company from your quickness to sink to name calling i would presume your in sales and i as well am quite pleased that i wont run into you while on vacation again ty for this site and all the posts nice job
Anonymous, at Monday, 15 September, 2008
my husband and i had the same drama we got to see the show telling us all about the holiday stuff when we said no thanks they kept insisting we sign they repeated stuff my husband had talked about at the table by ourselfs which makes us think we were being taped with what we said there is no way we will ever deal with them never they were rude and nasty when we didnt sign
Anonymous, at Sunday, 21 September, 2008
aloha, from WorldMark in Maui! This place is huge, the rooms are nice. The beds are OLD & the pillows are so bad they really don't even count.
They need a real big makeover, they also need to be a little more open about room exchanges when the place is half empty.
This island is in trouble, condo's are selling under $200,000. Places are making deals.
Anonymous, at Monday, 04 May, 2009
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