Keeping watch on Trendwest / WorldMark by Wyndham

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Can't cancel trial membership

Just got this from a reader:

I just came across this much useful blog. I live in Vegas, had enrolled, rather got sucked into signing a trial membership for $1600. I tried to cancel immediately within the 5 days but made the mistake of not requiring certificate of delivery by post. Since that time, it's been a long ordeal. Wyndham has been saying that they never received my cancelation request in time. I sent another letter with proof (document timestamp and so on) and still no luck. I have paid them $600 so far and want my money back. What can I do next? Would copying FTC help? Senators? Complaint to BBB? Can you help me by providing some guidance.

Thanks very much


Well Guna, if you're saying that your only commitment to Wyndham is $1600 (of which you've paid $600), then I'd recommend paying the remainder and severing your relationship with them. Just make sure you're not committed to pay anything more.

Just count yourself lucky that you didn't commit to a full package that would have cost you 20x that amount.

Hey, you might even get a holiday out of your trial!

Good luck, and let us know how you go.

-- Fabbo