Credits keep getting cheaper
I keep an eye on eBay auctions involving Worldmark and I found a rather cheap auction, selling Australian credits for 70c each (compared to the 'official' price of $2.60).
The auction listing took me to Royale Timeshare Resales and they're listing resales as low as 60c/credit.
Why would anybody pay full price?!
-- Fabbo Tags: trendwest worldmark
The auction listing took me to Royale Timeshare Resales and they're listing resales as low as 60c/credit.
Why would anybody pay full price?!
-- Fabbo Tags: trendwest worldmark
We just saw the presentation. It all seems good but very expensive. They have given us time to think about it. I have a few questions. Hopefully you might be able to answer them for me, please???
1. Do you have a package of your own or do you just buy resale points?
2. Is buying a package resale safe? E.g. do you get all the benefits as if you bought from the company?
3. How many points do you recommend a year for a family of 5?
4. Is it 'worth' the premium membership to use the RCI hotel exchanges etc?
5. How do you ensure when buying resale, you are actually getting what the seller is saying you will get?
Thanks heaps if you can answer the Q's! Much appreciated!
Anonymous, at Saturday, 19 March, 2011
I'll try to answer your questions...
1. Do you have a package of your own or do you just buy resale points?
Neither. I just went to a presentation, got upset about what they were doing, and started this blog.
2. Is buying a package resale safe? E.g. do you get all the benefits as if you bought from the company?
If you deal with an established company (eg Redeason), they probably have some form of escrow in place. Dealing with somebody anonymously via eBay is probably more dangerous.
3. How many points do you recommend a year for a family of 5?
No idea! Figure out how much you'd holiday, subtract a bit so you don't waste any (you can always buy top-up points from Worldmark or other owners, or even cheaper last-minute points), look at what resorts require at the time of year you're likely to travel, then think about your budget. It's really your choice, but I'd suggest starting low and adding more later if you like it.
4. Is it 'worth' the premium membership to use the RCI hotel exchanges etc?
Start simple and work your way up. If the basic resort options are good enough, you probably shouldn't buy the points in the first place. So, hold off on that premium stuff.
5. How do you ensure when buying resale, you are actually getting what the seller is saying you will get?
By being cautious and asking them that question!
Good luck!
-- Fabbo
Fabbo, at Saturday, 19 March, 2011
Fabbo, Do you really know what your saying??
1) yes you do have points of your own that you get the same amount each year
2)Yes its safe if you go through Wyndham, We owned 6000 then updated from Ebay to add more at a cheap cost. Wyndham dont like it but when the seller puts them through to Wyndham and the $220 transfer fee they have to do it.
3)Agree,, Buy some and then work out what suits you, I'm not sure if you can buy them from Ebay without being an owner But from Redseason you can & they are at around 50% Wyndham sell them for so I would say buy them.
4) buy a few and then decide, we are all differant and some want 3 weeks a year while others are happy with only a week,Use the workshops to use your points best, ask heaps of Question's and if you are upfront the presenter will give you some tips after the workshop,Most are owners as well. The lady thats been at Parramatta is great.
5)make them transfer through Wyndham and all is fine
Hope helps and enjoy
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 07 June, 2011
The trick is in these $99 trips for a week in Bali.
YOU MUST attend a selling presention, you get there and its all great and you buy at the high cost,lots of presure to buy and giveaways each time you say no,,,, but do you use them or ??????
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 07 June, 2011
Hi Fabbo (anyone else!) we are looking at selling our Trendwest/WorldMark via ebay...before I list is anyone looking to buy ? there doesn't seem to be much activity on this site so not sure what is going on.
Annual credit 7,000
Subtotal available 12,650
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