A "Trendwest Hater"
I got this message from a reader:
Well, probably the best thing you can try now is to sell your Worldmark Units to Redseason or similar, and cut your losses. If you used finance to buy, then you may still end up owing money. But, that's the price to pay for not doing fair research, or using a cooling-off period.
And, hey, if you feel vindictive, you can always go to a local newspaper and tell them your story. At least it might stop other people from dong the same thing.
Good luck!
-- Fabbo
Tags: trendwest worldmark
To Fabbo and Captain Jack,
I Just want to write and express that I was suckered too and I hate the whole Trendwest Company.
They bind you in a contract for life I am currently trying to fight them and not pay. I do not know what to do.
I just want out from them. This is so fustrating that I dont know where to start. If you have any advice I would appreciate it.
I have not used one service of theirs with California's housing market, this is becoming such a burden.
Please help
trendwest hater
Well, probably the best thing you can try now is to sell your Worldmark Units to Redseason or similar, and cut your losses. If you used finance to buy, then you may still end up owing money. But, that's the price to pay for not doing fair research, or using a cooling-off period.
And, hey, if you feel vindictive, you can always go to a local newspaper and tell them your story. At least it might stop other people from dong the same thing.
Good luck!
-- Fabbo
Tags: trendwest worldmark
i am stuck with the contract too... it sucks... and is for life.... not to mention the yearly levee fee.
Unknown, at Monday, 12 January, 2009
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