Keeping watch on Trendwest / WorldMark by Wyndham

Sunday, May 27, 2007

An interrogation mindset

Another comment from a reader, in response to "At last, some benefit!":

That's exactly my experience, thought I didn't get an old lady. I got a slick black guy manager on the second stage who accused me of pushing him into something illegal when I told him "Oh come on, there's no way you ain't gonna take my money if I offer it to you some other day instead of today".

It was nuts. The hardsellers were gruesome, and it felt like being in a nazi interrogation room, I felt like I was being worked over. The experience was so vile I threw away my free 'vacation' - I just don't want anything to do with these people ever again, and I figured the vacation would be a 'fast one' of lots of hidden costs. No thanks. These guys are masters of putting you on their 'never do business with them as long as you live' type of mindset.



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