Getting Out is hard to do
Does anyone have advice for this reader?
span style="font-size:78%;">Tags: trendwest worldmark
My wife and I got pulled into a bad trendwest experience. I was wondering if you have any info on how trendwest handles people who don’t pay on their package. Do they hand it over to collections and are those collection companies very aggressive. I am willing to deal with phone calls I just don’t want to end up in court. Thanks.
Miami, OK
span style="font-size:78%;">Tags: trendwest worldmark
Well the wife and I were screwed ourselves. Just didn't want the crooks sticking their hands in our pockets. Anyway we paid the down then told them to stick it up their ass!!
They said I guess we will have to write it off as a bad debt. No more letters, nothing. They don't want to go to court a judge would laugh. They do not give a service for your money so they are not losing anything. You will take a hit on your credit but they only report to one agency. Your call.
Yea what they did was we hit a hard spot and said we could not afford it, then they said you have to pay. We paid the down then said ok there we will try to pay. They sent us a notice saying we had to pay the maintenance fees for the time we were paying the down. I said I could not use the service while I was paying the down payment what the hell. Their response was that we could not use it until the maintence fees were paid. They were as much as our monthly payments a total of like $945. That is when I blew my top and told them to stuff it.
Anonymous, at Saturday, 22 March, 2008
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