You should attack Wyndham with ALL CAPS
From Klaus, who seems to have quite an opinion of Wyndham...
By the way, I think he's referring to Wyndham, not Worldmark.
-- Fabbo
Tags: trendwest worldmark
Worldmark is a rubbish company that lies, deceive, cheat people. Let's be clear, we need to make this company disappear.
Anyway, if you want to have your contract cancelled, send them a LETTER, registered with track control with signature required saying like this: I WANT THE CANCELATION OF MY CONTRACT DUE TO MISREPRESENTATION. Those are the words. MISREPRESENTATION. It is important.
After I shout on one of the managers she told me to do exactly like that. And after a while they sent me a mutual release contract. And don't let them fool you. Ask your money back. But make them pay you, they will try to deceive you as usual. Don't be fooled. fight until the end. They are bastards. Good Luck
By the way, I think he's referring to Wyndham, not Worldmark.
-- Fabbo
Tags: trendwest worldmark
The sales are sometimes high pressure & they have to earn a living, Did You not agree to buy then rethink? you have a clause to resind the sale if you wish
How often did you buy a car from a dealer and regret it?
They do prey on the weak hearted.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 07 June, 2011
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