One in a Million (dollars, that is)
I received this cryptic message as a comment on this blog:
It had the name of 'Steve Wiley' attached. So, I did a Google search and found some interesting history. It dates back to 2007 when Wiley, who apparently worked at Trendwest for 13 years and sued them for wrongful termination and age discrimination.
More to the point, he also accused Trendwest (now Wyndham) of selling more memberships than available capacity. That is, he claimed that there was insufficient capacity in Worldmark properties for members to actually use all their points to obtain bookings.
I don't have any more information on the topic, but it certainly makes an interesting topic, especially if Trendwest/Worldmark was found guilty of such matters.
Oh, and it just goes to prove... don't upset your staff, or they'll make your life hell!
-- Fabbo
Tags: trendwest worldmark
go to SMALL CLAIMS COURT, you can usually file there up to $10,000.00 and in some states highter. I filed a class action suit and won, I also filed a lawusuit with 10 other and 8 were setteled for around $500,000.00 each, I won a jury verdict for $ONE MILLION IN MARCH OF 2009, MY ATTORNEYS WAS gARY gWILLIAM OF oAKLAND caLIFORNIA AT 510 83205411
It had the name of 'Steve Wiley' attached. So, I did a Google search and found some interesting history. It dates back to 2007 when Wiley, who apparently worked at Trendwest for 13 years and sued them for wrongful termination and age discrimination.
More to the point, he also accused Trendwest (now Wyndham) of selling more memberships than available capacity. That is, he claimed that there was insufficient capacity in Worldmark properties for members to actually use all their points to obtain bookings.
I don't have any more information on the topic, but it certainly makes an interesting topic, especially if Trendwest/Worldmark was found guilty of such matters.
Oh, and it just goes to prove... don't upset your staff, or they'll make your life hell!
-- Fabbo
Tags: trendwest worldmark
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