Knowing how it works
Here's a comment left on an earlier post:
Tags: trendwest worldmark
Worldmark vacation credits is a smart way to vacation. All of you that are complaining about everything are complaining because you don't know how to use it effectively! As far as making reservations, you have to be aware of the different seasons. Most of you are probably making a reservation during a high season couple days in advance.
If you want to use the resorts in high demand seasons (such as Orlando, San Diego, Hawaii, and Anaheim) you should plan it out ahead and give them advance notice. Most of the the people that are dissatisfied with their ownership are unhappy because they don't know how it works.
Worldmark offers owner classes at the resorts (and even online. Seriously people, if you know more about how the credti system works, it really makes sense and is a great flexible way to vacation.
Tags: trendwest worldmark
That seriously sounds like it was written by a Trendwest salesperson. 'Have to be aware of'? Come on, who talks like that except for company PR men? Normal people don't talk like that. And the claims that everyone is just booking two days in advance is Bee Ess too, the writer has ZERO knowledge of when people are booking as a matter of fact, but it's the kind of thing a pressured salesman would say. This is clearly a shill for trendwest.
Anonymous, at Monday, 02 June, 2008
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