Human beings with a break-even
An anonymous reader left a comment on the "Having fun with Trendwest/Wyhdham sales dudes" post from February. I thought their comments worthy of their own post:
Mmm. If you break-even with Worldmark after 4.4 years, and you can buy memberships for half-price via eBay or Redseason, does that mean you can break-even in 2.2 years? I'd like to see that math!
Of often mentioned by readers of this blog, WorldMark is pretty good — it's just the Wyndham/Trendwest bit that rakes the money and grates the people.
Tags: trendwest worldmark
Do you not realize that salespeople are human beings simply working to try to make an income, same as you in your job?
You are STEALING from them!
You cannot go to a presentation with intent to just get the gift and leave WITHOUT LYING! How do I know? Because I've sold timeshares, both for Wyndham and other companies.
If you go to a presentation, do not do it to mooch, but to express a sincere interest in BUYING something. To do otherwise is DECEPTIVE.
Your Karma WILL come back around on you, have you considered this being worth the $50?
Your point about the product being overpriced is not true. Worldmark's product is very reasonable for what you get, where you can go, and the long-term value and one of the best deals in the industry. Most timeshare owners break-even in 8.8 years. Worldmark owners break-even, on average, in 4.4 years.
Get a clue and get a life! I'm surprised Worldmark hasn't sued you.
Why don't you write about something you KNOW something about, rather than spew this crap to people as if you're an expert?
Mmm. If you break-even with Worldmark after 4.4 years, and you can buy memberships for half-price via eBay or Redseason, does that mean you can break-even in 2.2 years? I'd like to see that math!
Of often mentioned by readers of this blog, WorldMark is pretty good — it's just the Wyndham/Trendwest bit that rakes the money and grates the people.
Tags: trendwest worldmark
There is nothing wrong with people going to a presentation for the gift alone because that is how marketing presents it.
I cant tell you how many people I know that have told the marketing reps that they were NOT interested in buying a vacation ownership and the rep tells them that a big part of the presentation is about word-of-mouth...that hopefully they'll like what they see and tell others...even if they're not interested personally.
In addition...I own WM and have loved it but am now concerned about my long term value since all new resorts are coming in 'costing' more credits for me to use. When a person is subjected to increasing costs...that means you're subjected to inflation...and I was told that buying WM beats vacation inflation.
Anyway...that sales rep shouldnt beat up the guests. If he has a problem with people who come in JUST for the gift...he needs to talk to Marketing and beat THEM up.
Anonymous, at Monday, 25 August, 2008
i was called and told i was a eligible for a "final" grand prize drawing worth $75.000 and that by having had my name/ number/address drawn that i had won a 2 day vacation including airfare and hotel for 2 at either vsges disneyland or i dont remember where else. any way i live about 45 minutes from disneyland , so i tell her how about if i just take the 2 tickets for disney land then she says that airfare and a hotel are included once again no ty just the disney land tickets
ok she says when can you come to san dimas and pick them up and rattles off about 6 different time slots that SHE has available so i make an appointment (i thought) to stop by and pick up my prize then she says try to be about 15 minutes early and dont mention this and tell them theyll never check it out anyway, so after hanging up i start to wonder "whats really going on here" any my point is that she never once mentioned that i would be attending a sales presentation or what it would be related to. so mr salesman what makes you think anyone would be there for any other reason but to claim their prize as mislead to by your own marketing people if i wouldnt have grown curious about worldmark and googled it i would have been rather angry when i discovered that once again there is now free lunch ...probably not attending your over pressurized sales pitch would rather pay to take my family to disneyland lol lol lol
Anonymous, at Monday, 15 September, 2008
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