Having fun with Trendwest/Wyhdham sales dudes.
A comment from a reader:
I like to go to the sales office in Broomfield, CO as long as they promise me a real tangable gift I can take home with me that day. I always toss the free trip in the trash but keep the cash! Their office is on my way home from work so if I have the time I stop by for the presentation. I chat with them, smile and say no thanks. If you push them on the first phone call they will always offer the free "crappy" trip but will also throw in merchant gift cards as well which you can spend right away. I have received $75 in Home Depot cards, $40 in resturant cards and some other stuff I can't remember. You have to get them to offer the cash when they first call you however, and the boiler room callers are rather clueless. The last time they offered me the resturant gift cards,(Red Lobster), they said I could only use them while I was on my free vacation. I asked how the resturant would know I was on vacation and if Red Lobster would deny them if I was really arriving from home? What if I went on the free trip, came home and then used them? Would they be no good? They caved and said "I don't know"Tags: trendwest worldmark
I like the writing upside down bit and actually I think the overall product has some good value. It just isn't something I want or need since I already travel alot. As someone else mentioned as well, I would never plunk down 30K for something I just heard about, and I could invest that 30K instead, grow it and have plenty for vacations with a lot left over.
It is way overpriced, they could go out of business, who knows. I do like watching them push push push with those sales tactics, it's kinda entertaining for an hour and a half. Go for the CASH!
Do you not realize that salespeople are human beings simply working to try to make an income, same as you in your job?
You are STEALING from them!
You cannot go to a presentation with intent to just get the gift and leave WITHOUT LYING! How do I know? Because I've sold timeshares, both for Wyndham and other companies.
If you go to a presentation, do not do it to mooch, but to express a sincere interest in BUYING something. To do otherwise is DECEPTIVE.
Your Karma WILL come back around on you, have you considered this being worth the $50?
Your point about the product being overpriced is not true. Worldmark's product is very reasonable for what you get, where you can go, and the long-term value and one of the best deals in the industry. Most timeshare owners break-even in 8.8 years. Worldmark owners break-even, on average, in 4.4 years.
Get a clue and get a life! I'm surprised Worldmark hasn't sued you.
Why don't you write about something you KNOW something about, rather than spew this crap to people as if you're an expert?
Anonymous, at Thursday, 17 July, 2008
Yes Sales people are human too, as I was one for over ten years in a highly competitive industry. But, my husband and I just got home from the Worldmark presentation and I say you are full of yourself! Frist the telemarketer lied to me about several things: that I would receive a $40 gift card tonight, did not happen! It was the first time we had ever been to a presentation like that and we were treated as though we only went for the free gifts. We went to see what was out there. The fact that the deal was a one night only deal another lie which the phone rep said that we did not have to purchase tonight that we would be able to go home and think about it.
So we will never attend another presentation of sorts because the whole experience just sucked. I agree with the guy who gets the freebies! Do it dude!
PS the Karma stuff will be back on Worldmark they lie cheat and scam!
nuf' said
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 30 July, 2008
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Anonymous, at Friday, 22 August, 2008
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